Dolls' House Dolls
The seven dolls shown here can all be purchased separately. I can take
more photos of each if requested.
The first gentleman is wearing brown painted shoes, a black felt suit,
white shirt and bow tie! These are his original clothes which fit him very
well. His facial features, including his hair are beautifully painted and
formed properly. He is 7" tall
Price: $135
Next is an all bisque child with dainty little shoes with straps and
little heels. Her felt trousers and jacket are in an off white color with
pink trim. She has glass eyes and a wig of brown curls. She is also
wearing a matching cp on her head. She is 4-3/4" tall.
Price: $150
The lady is dressed in a long gown of different laces and pantaloons. She
also has a green beaded necklace and decretive flowers of fabric in her
hair. Her hair is pulled up into a bun on the back of her head. She is
wearing black shoes with heels. She is 7" tall.
Price: $160
An exceptional gentleman with light brown hair and has a mustache and rosy
cheeks! His black felt suit has tails in the back which makes it a tuxedo!
He is 7 -1/4" tall.
Price: $165
An all bisque girl with glass eyes and long brunette braids, wearing a
black jumper with a white blouse and a lace apron. She is also wearing a
black lace hat. She can stand alone. She is 3-3/4" tall.
Price: $175
An all bisque baby with moveable hands and legs- dressed in her original
clothes consisting of lace and tiny ribbons in her hair and on her dress!
She is 2-1-/2".
Price: $75
A dollhouse lady with a finely molded face with glass eyes. Her blond wig
is braided and wrapped around her head. She has on black heels with one
strap! The green silk sleeves on her dress are melting. (I would make a
copy of her jacket in dark green silk and replace it). She is 6" tall.
Price: $180